
Which Vocal Cue Refers To The Variety Or Changes In Pitch?

vi.3: Motility and Vocal Cues

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    • Text Writer(s): Daniel Usera & contributing authors
    • Associate Professor (Communications) at Austin Customs College

    \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{bridge}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{goose egg}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #ane \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Bridge}{\mathrm{bridge}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{nothing}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Statement}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[ane]{\| #i \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #one, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Bridge}{\mathrm{span}}\)


    • Identify different types of body motility positions and their significance in the realm of nonverbal advice.
    • Distinguish between different aspects of vocalics and how they influence perception and production of talk.
    • Evaluate the impact of the iv aspects of nonverbal communication in everyday interactions.


    Classification III: Motion/Position

    The next category of nonverbal communication relates to body motility. There are certain aspects of your body that can be purposefully moved to communicate including your eyes, facial muscles, arms, and hands. In this Module, nosotros will discuss each of these four aspects and how they can be used to communicate.


    Yous probably have heard the proverb "the eyes are the windows to the soul." Your optics can communicate just equally much equally your oral fissure does. Oculesics is the study of the use of our eyes to communicate. In that location are many ways that we apply our eyes for communicative purposes and they can be culturally driven (Matsumoto & Hwang, 2013).

    Kickoff, there is educatee dilation. Your pupils are the hole in your optics that expand or contract based on the corporeality of lighting and what yous are viewing. When your pupils amplify they are enabling you to have in more than information near something, normally in states of arousal (Critchley & Nagai, 2012). Conversely, when your pupils contract, they are trying to force your sight onto a item thing, usually in a state of fear, anxiety, or sadness. Dilated pupils besides make you more physically attractive to others (Hess, 1975). You may find that in some sensual modeling photos that the model will have dilated pupils; these are known as "bedroom optics."

    Y'all may also discover that some professional person poker players wear sunglasses despite being in a dimly lit room. The sunglasses prevent other players from noticing pupil dilation, which may indicate that the cardholder has a expert hand. In fact, poker players take a term for all nonverbal communication signals that may "leak" what kind of hand a specific role player has; they are called "tells" (Caro, 2003).

    Student dilation is just i kind of "tell," glancing can also convey meaning. A glance is the direction where pupils are facing. In basketball, players will use the "no-wait" pass which involves facing in one direction even so strategically using their pupils to pass the brawl in a dissimilar management. The misdirection caused by the player facing one direction only passing in a different ane tricks defenders considering they assume that a thespian will e'er look where they are passing. In dating, "checking out" a person involves someone's pupils focusing on different aspects of a person-of-interest'south concrete appearance. If you become defenseless "checking out" someone, it can be awkward to say the least.

    3rd, at that place is eye contact. Middle contact is the mutual exchange of glances between 2 people. When ii people are madly in love, they will glance deeply into each others' eyes and rarely break eye contact. Because of the romantic nature of a situation, you lot may notice that their pupils dilate. Pupil dilation is associated with sexual attraction (Rieger & Savin-Williams, 2012). On the opposite cease of the spectrum, if two people are violently angry with each other; they may also exchange focused glances with their pupils contracted.

    At that place are some social situations where centre contact is expected to exist maintained similar when you lot are public speaking, testifying in court, or telling someone you dearest them. There is a cultural element to these norms. In some cultures, avoiding contact with a superior is a sign of respect. For instance, in Japanese culture, students will bow their heads and face the floor while they are beingness scolded, as a sign of respect and deference to the scolder (Burgoon, Guerrero, & Floyd, 2010). In the US Marine Corp training, boot campsite recruits are prohibited from making eye contact with their drill sergeant every bit they are being talked to and must face forward at all times.

    In fact, Goffman (1963) identified a social norm called, civil inattention. One matter that parents teach toddlers is to not "stare" at others. Imagine if you walked into a Starbuck's java shop and all of the patrons watched you lot as you walk in, order your java, and sit down at a tabular array. You would probably be a chip uncomfortable existence stared at past anybody. The norm that we are supposed to "see" others but not "stare" at them is the idea of civil inattention.

    Overall, oculesics has three features; pupil dilation, glance, and centre contact. What we expect at, how we look at it, and for how long we look tin each accept a layer of meaning to observers. Now that you are aware of the use of the eyes, you can see how they work in synchrony with the facial muscles for facial displays.

    Facial Displays

    In synchrony with our eyes, the motility of our facial muscles also limited messages to others, known as facial displays. The written report of facial displays is most commonly associated with the field of emotions research. People are most proficient at reading each other's emotions through each other'south facial displays (Scherer & Scherer, 2011). There are many theories of emotions that tin be discussed, and we refer y'all to Unit 8 to learn more well-nigh them. We will focus on Paul Ekman'due south enquiry on emotional displays since it directly addresses the utilize of facial displays.

    Paul Ekman (2003) argues that there are vii basic universal emotions that have unique facial displays: fear, anger, sadness, happiness, antipathy, surprise, and cloy. Yous can see pictures of each emotion here: Ekman argues that the human brain is subconsciously wired to exhibit these displays regardless of cultural upbringing, making them "universal." Non only did Ekman written report these seven emotion displays, he as well discovered the use of micro-expressions.

    Micro-expressions are fleeting facial displays that last for one second or less in response to a stimulus (Ekman, 2009). Suppose that y'all are told by your parents that they are cancelling the family vacation that you lot secretly dreaded going to. When the news comes, you might evidence a very brief wink of happiness (a micro-expression), earlier correcting that emotion to appear to exist sad or disappointed (out of respect for your parents). Micro-expressions are unremarkably merely detectable in slow-motility replays of video recordings, though Ekman believes that the human eye can be trained to observe them in real-time a little flake more sixty% of the time (Ekman, 2009).

    The way we limited our emotions is also governed by cultural norms known every bit display rules (Matsumoto, 1990). There are many means we modify our facial displays when feeling sure emotions. For example, you lot might de-intensify the emotion that you lot feel. Mayhap you receive a phone call from an employer that yous interviewed with that y'all earned the job. When you are told, you incorporate your excitement and thank them for the offer. After you get off the telephone, you then begin to jump up and downwards with glee out of actress excitement. Now suppose the employer calls and tells y'all that you did not get the job. You might pretend to exist understanding and accepting of the decision, but in fact, you are deeply injure by it. In that case, yous would be masking the emotion.

    There are likewise sure "looks" that we can give each other. A father might sprint his eyes at his child who is misbehaving. In one case the child gets the "evil stare," the kid stops acting up. A student who is confused might give a "puzzled" look to a teacher who is explaining a difficult concept, prompting the instructor to reply with another example.

    Some "looks" are non kinesic in nature, but are just natural structures of our faces. Some people accept natural resting faces that make them appear happy or in deep thought. Other people might accept "resting aroused faces," where they appear to be irritable in their resting position.

    In any case, confront-to-face interaction naturally calls for people to look at each others' faces. It would be quite uncomfortable to have an in-person chat with someone who just stares at your breast or artillery the entire time. The moves and looks of our confront structure can exist used to communicate specific stares and desires, equally the "windows of our souls."


    Kinesics is the study of trunk movement to communicate, generally the body, head, and limbs (Harrigan, 2008). There are an estimated 700,000 different concrete signs that can exist produced by humans. There are 250,000 different facial expressions that can be made with the 30 or and so muscles in the face up (Birdwhistell, 1970). And there are 1,000 human being postures possible (Burgoon, Guerrero, & Floyd, 2009). The two areas that nosotros will focus on are the use of our arms and legs.

    When you talk, you might find yourself using your hands and artillery to make points. The utilize of your arms to communicate are generally referred to as gestures. There are ii types of gestures: speech-dependent and speech independent. Speech-independent gestures that take a directly verbal translation or dictionary definition. These are also known as emblems. Emblems usually consist of a give-and-take or two, or phrase. There will typically be a loftier agreement among members of a civilization about a specific emblem means.

    Emblems tin can limited greetings (waves), requests (come up here), insults (middle finger), threats (pistol shot), concrete states (rubbing breadbasket), thought processes (thinking while looking up), expiry (slashing throat), and emotional states (optics broad open up "beware"). Can y'all think of others?

    Voice communication-dependent gestures, known as illustrators, require having exact context to have a clear significant. Raising your palms upwardly tin have many different meanings, or no significant at all. However, you lot might raise your palms upward while telling a story virtually how y'all carried something heavy to your room. In this example, the palm raising is fabricated sense by the accompanying story near lifting something. Speech-dependent gestures can accent, echo, contradict, or complement what you are maxim.

    Illustrators can be referent-related where they are used to describe the subject field that you are speaking about. For example, you lot might say, "I defenseless a fish that was this large" While saying "this big," you might create altitude betwixt your hands to bear witness the approximate length of the fish. Illustrators tin can besides speak to your human relationship to the subject. If you are very certain nigh an answer to a question, you lot might say "yes" while moving your palms downward to show the certainty, or if yous are uncertain, you might put your hand to your confront and look up while speaking to show that y'all are in deep thought.

    You might likewise use punctuation gestures to emphasize a item word or phrase in a speech. For example, a politico might say, "No more than wars" while pounding on the lectern on each word of that phrase. Lastly, you could employ interactive gestures to aid regulate the turns and flow of a chat. As you lot talk to someone, you might forget what something is called, so you might snap your fingers or point at them to help you finish your judgement. You could also regulate a plow by putting your hand up while talking when someone tries to interject.

    In either instance, both emblems and illustrators are important for daily advice. They provide shortcuts, regulation, and illustration to everyday language that is unspoken yet felt and seen.


    Haptics is the report of impact as communication. The importance of touch begins with our birth; the outset senses that yous developed in the womb was your sense of touch. Immediately after birth, yous were probably held and caressed past your parents or parent-figures. Touch is also important for our physical well-being. Affect has been found to be associated with reducing stress levels by increasing oxytocin (Gallace & Spence, 2010; Regehr, Glancy, & Pitts, 2013). Literally, sometimes all you need is a hug when you are stressed. When you are very nervous, you might resort to using adaptors, which are self-soothing touching and move behaviors that occur in response to high arousal or anxiety. These behaviors may include clicking your pen, shaking your legs, or rubbing your easily.

    In that location is some difficulty in studying touch naturally. Touching norms are culturally defined, with some cultures having depression usage and others having higher usage. Moreover, touch that occurs betwixt people low affect and immediate affect cultures is washed privately; consider romantic couples and social norms against "PDA" (public displays of affection). Researchers must and then rely on self-reports and experiments where confederates manipulate touch levels.

    We do know that at that place are five dimensions of touch: intensity, duration, location, frequency, and instrumentality (Burgoon, Guerroro, & Floyd, 2009). Intensity refers to how hard or soft a touch on is. Compare squeezing someone as you hug them, versus lightly touching them as yous comprehend. Duration refers to how long the touching lasts. Compare a hug that lasts one second versus five seconds; how might the meaning of that hug modify? Location is where the person is touched. When hugging, you might wrap y'all arms around the upper arms of the person, or you might wrap your arms effectually the lower waist of the person. The location of where your arms touch might vary based on the relationship you have with that person.

    Frequency describes the number of touches that occur. If you lot pat on the person'south back a few times while hugging, that might have some kind of special meaning versus just doing 1 pat as yous comprehend. Finally, instrumentality describes what one is touched with. Imagine being touched on the arm with a hand versus an elbows. Or imagine being touched on the arm with a ruler rather than a hand. The fact that you were touched with a ruler might hateful something dissimilar to you.

    In addition to these five dimensions, Heslin and Alper (1983) developed a taxonomy of touch that range from less personal to near personal. The five types are functional/professional, social/polite, friendship/warmth, dear/intimacy, and sexual arousal.

    Functional/professional touch relates to accomplishment of a specific chore or service, that are normally impersonal in nature. When a baseball coach helps batters work on their swing, the autobus might hold the batters' arms to instruct them on how to best execute the swing. Or a firefighter might give a child a boost to prophylactic, touching the children's feet or waist area.

    Social/polite touch is contextualized past acts of politeness and social etiquette. A very common class of this in American culture is the handshake. We generally milkshake hands with strangers upon meeting them with no prior relational history. A greeting hug, high-5, or pat on the back tin all be examples used in politeness situations.

    Friendship/warmth is characterized by one's expression for friendship and liking towards someone. Examples can exist extended hugging, holding easily, arms effectually the waist or shoulders, or sitting closely to each other. Friendship gestures tin can sometimes be mistaken for romantic ones, which tin create uncertainty in some types of relationships.

    Love/intimacy touch expresses romantic attraction. Romantic relationships are oftentimes marked by concrete touch milestones. Couples can probably recall the story of their "commencement kiss" or the first time they were physically intimate. The success of a engagement might exist judged upon how much the concrete intimacy "escalated," did the date end with merely a kiss? A hug? Or belongings hands?

    Sexual arousal is the most intimate of all physical affect. More often than not, what makes a touch sexual is the focus on areas of the torso mostly considered the most intimate and vulnerable: mouth, thighs, and genitals. Unremarkably ascribed sexual touching tin include kissing, petting, and sexual intercourse.

    A key qualifier to this taxonomy of touch is cultural norms. In some cultures, two men property hands is a sign of friendship, and kissing on the cheek is part of a typical greeting sequence. Context is the framework for making sense of whatever activity.

    Classification 4: Vocal Cues

    You might accept heard the saying, "It doesn't matter what you say, but how you say it." The fourth category of nonverbal communication is related to vocal cues, also known every bit vocalics (Burgoon et al., 2011). Vocalics focuses not on the words that we choose, but the style in which we say the words using our vocal cords. Vocalics include the study of paralanguage which is the set of physical mechanisms that we use to produce sounds orally. These mechanisms include the throat, nasal cavities, tongue, lips, mouth, and jaw. The specific aspects of vocalics that nosotros volition focus on in this Module are: pitch, stride, volume, and disfluencies.

    Consider the sentence below:

    He told her about Mary.

    Take a moment repeating this judgement, putting emphasis one just on word each time. Try emphasizing "HE told her..." then "He GAVE her..." so forth. Depending on the paralanguage that you employ, the significant of this sentence can vary despite using the same words.

    How harmonically high or low you say something refers to pitch. The rate at which your vocal folds vibrate in your throat are responsible for the pitch of your vocalisation. Low frequency vibrations make for a lower-pitched audio, while college frequency vibrations make for a higher-pitched sound. If y'all end the sentence with Herbie on a high note (known as "uptalk), you might be perceived as sounding uncertain about the merits (Linneman, 2013). If you lot end it on a low pitch, it might sound like you are stating a fact confidently.

    Pace refers to how quickly you utter your words. Co-ordinate to the National Middle for Voice and Speech (2019), the boilerplate rate of speech for American English language speakers is about 150 words-per-minute (WPM). Some researchers believe that audience comprehension begins to decline once a speaker reaches 200 words per infinitesimal, especially for second-language hearers (Hayati, 2010). Frequently, offset public speakers will talk fast out of nervousness or too much excitement. Their area of improvement and so is learning to slow down to permit the audience to "digest" the words. In high-energy humorous speeches, the speaker might talk faster, whereas in more serious dramatic speeches, the speaker would slow down to build the drama.

    The use of pauses is a natural attribute of pacing. At that place are two types of pauses: grammatical and non-grammatical. Grammatical pauses are used to highlight something in a sentence or to build suspense. An example would be a host saying, "And the winner is....Corey," where the ellipsis (...) is a suspension to build suspense. Not-grammatical pauses are not planned and often occur when a speaker loses their railroad train of thought or is cocky-correcting. In public speaking, speakers are trained to use pauses effectively, not to avoid them entirely.

    Both grammatical and non-grammatical pauses tin either be filled or unfilled. Unfilled pauses have no sounds associated with them, they are pure silence. Filled pauses have some kind of noise associated with them, typically "uhh" and "umm." The utilize of these non-grammatical sounds as pauses are known as disfluencies. Disfluencies can also include the repetitive use of a discussion during a pause, such equally "similar," "and then," or "and." Recondition yourself to not rely on disfluencies by simply taking a pause when you lot need a second to think of what you are well-nigh to say next.

    Volume refers to the loudness (prosody) of the language being spoken. You might take a friend who is a "loud talker," where they can be heard from far distances having conversations with someone within social altitude. On the contrary end of the spectrum, you may have a friend who is a "soft talker" who may be hard to hear in loud settings. In any case, nosotros may have expectations for volume in sure settings. At a football, loudness is encouraged past beau fans. In a fine dining romantic restaurant, soft-talking is expected by fellow patrons.

    Impacts of Vocalics

    First, you may have learned the concept of vocal diverseness in a public speaking class. This refers to the variation in the use of pitch, step, and volume in a speech communication. If y'all have heard a monotone lecturer, there is no variety in their voice communication (everything they say is unmarried-toned). With some training, that speaker can get polytoned, which volition increment your engagement due to the novelty that such variety brings. "Multifariousness is the spice of life" is a saying that holds true with vocalics.

    Second, vocalics are critical for identifying a person's emotions. In fact, Juslin and Lauuka (2003) institute that if you inquire people from five different cultures to decide the emotion that someone is experiencing through vocalics solitary, they correctly proper name the emotion 90% accurately. You may have had a friend who said that they were "fine" when you asked them, but the tone of their vocalization said otherwise.

    Finally, vocalics can touch one's perceived authority in a situation. In military bones training, the drill sergeants volition constantly yell at the recruits to humble them into conforming with the armed forces culture. If they asked the recruits softly and nicely, they may non experience the same kind of obedience. Indeed, lab experiments suggest that people who are more than expressive and speak louder are perceived as more ascendant (Mast & Hall, 2017). In telephone skills preparation, you would learn to "smile" through the telephone by using a sure tone and pitch when saying "hello" (Davis, 1999). Friendliness and dominance can both exist conveyed through vocalics.


    Overall, the four aspects of nonverbal communication complete our understanding of social interaction. And then much of social life is communicated nonverbally, whether it is a face of discomfort when someone sits too close or knowing when to finish a chat when your partner begins leaning forrad in their chair as if they are getting up. We likewise communicate nonverbally through text message and mediated communication. To study communication is not to just study "talking," simply it is to study holistic performances using all the tools on our persons and immediate surroundings.


    1. Vocalics Exercise

    Take your students read the sentence aloud equally a form:

    Jerry told her about Mary.

    Take a moment repeating this judgement, putting emphasis one just on word each time. Try emphasizing "JERRY told her..." and then "Jerry TOLD her almost..." and then forth. Then enquire your students how switching the accent of each word changes their interpretation of the meaning of the sentence.

    ii. Tonality Exercise

    Take your students say to a partner the following phrases in three different tones; sarcastic, genuine, and scripted.

    "I similar going to course."

    "I savor exercising every 24-hour interval."

    After the students say these phrases to their partners, then have volunteers share their voices. As a discussion, ask them what aspects of vocalics make each tone distinct.

    3. Accent Archive

    George Stonemason University has collected accents from across the world and put them on a map for you lot to visit. Choice a region on the United Staes map, and play some of the accents to your students (without them seeing the map). Ask them where they think this person is from and why. Also ask them what their impression is of each speaker. It is at the following website:


    Birdwhistell, R. L. (1970). Kinesics and context: Essays on trunk motion communication. Academy of Pennsylvania Press.

    Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, 50. K., & Floyd, F. (2009). Nonverbal communication (1st ed.). Routledge.

    Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. Thou., & Manusov, Five. (2011). Nonverbal signals. In M. Fifty. Knapp & J. Daly (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal communication (pp. 239–280). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Caro, M. (2003). Caro's book of poker tells: The psychology and body language of poker. Las Vegas, NV: Cardoza Publishing.

    Critchley, H. D., & Nagai, Y. (2012). How emotions are shaped past actual states. Emotion Review, 4(2), 163–168.

    Davis, J. (1999). Beyond "hello:" A applied guide for excellent telephone advice and quality customer service. At present hear this, Inc.

    Ekman, P. (2003). Emotions revealed: Recognizing faces and feelings to improve advice and emotional life. St. Martin'south Griffin.

    Ekman, P. (2009). Telling lies: Clues to deceit in the market, politics, and marriage. WW Norton & Company.

    Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2010). The science of interpersonal touch on: An overview. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34(two), 246–259.

    Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. Anchor Books.

    Goffman, E. (1963). Beliefs in public places: Notes on the social organisation of gatherings. Macmillan Publishing Co.

    Harrigan, J. (2008). Proxemics, kinesics, and gaze. In J. Harrigan, R. Rosenthal, & Grand. R. Scherer (Eds.), The new handbook of methods in nonverbal behavior enquiry (pp. 137–198). Oxford Academy Press.

    Hayati, A. (2010). The Upshot of Voice communication Charge per unit on Listening Comprehension of EFL learners. Creative Education, 01(02), 107–114.

    Heslin, R, & Alper, R. (1983). Touch: A bonding gesture. In J. M. Wiemann & R. P. Harrison (Eds.), Nonverbal interaction (pp. 47–75). Sage.

    Hess, E. H. (1975). The role of pupil size in communication. Scientific American, 233, 110–119.

    Juslin, P. Due north., & Laukka, P. (2003). Advice of emotions in vocal expression and musical operation: Unlike channels, aforementioned code? Psychological Bulletin, 12, 770–814.

    Linneman, T. (2013). Gender in jeopardy! Intonation variation on a television game testify. Gender & Guild, 27, 82–105.

    Mast, M. S., & Hall, J. A. (2017). The vertical dimension of social signaling. In Judee K Burgoon, North. Magnenat-Thalmann, Thou. Pantic, & A. Vinciarelli (Eds.), Social signal processing (pp. 34–46). Cambridge University Printing.

    Matsumoto, D. (1990). Cultural similarities and differences in display rules. Motivation and Emotion, 14, 195–214.

    Matsumoto, D., & Hwang, H. C. (2013). Culture and nonverbal communication. In J. A. Hall & M. Fifty. Knapp (Eds.), Nonverbal communication: 697-728. DeGruyter.

    National Center for Vocalism and Voice communication. (2019). Voice qualities. Retrieved Dec 20, 2019, from Tutorials—Voice Product website:

    Regehr, C., Glancy, D., & Pitts, A. (2013). Interventions to reduce stress in university students: A review and meta-assay. Periodical of Affective Disorders, 148(i), 1–11.

    Rieger, Thou., & Savin-Williams, R. C. (2012). The eyes have it: Sex and sexual orientation differences in educatee dilation patterns. PLoS ONE, seven(viii), e40256.

    Scherer, Chiliad.R. & Sherer, U. (2011). Assessing the ability to recognize facial and vocal expressions of emotion: Structure and validation of the emotion recognition index. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 35(iv), 305–326.


    Brandish rules: Social norms that influence how and when people express their emotions.

    Emblems: Spoken language-contained gestures that have a direct verbal translation or dictionary definition.

    Facial displays: The written report of facial muscular movement to exhibit human emotions.

    Grammatical pauses: Pauses used for dramatic or intentional effect.

    Haptics: The study of how interpersonal touch is used to communicate.

    Illustrators: Speech-dependent gestures that require having verbal context to accept a articulate meaning.

    Kinesics: The study arm, hand, and leg move to convey significant.

    Micro-expressions: Fleeting facial displays that last for one second or less in response to a stimulus.

    Nongrammatical pauses: Pauses that are unplanned and do not serve an intended purpose for conveying meaning.

    Oculesics: The study of eye movement for social role.

    Pace: The charge per unit at which words are spoken in a particular utterance.

    Pitch: How harmonically loftier or low something is said.

    Song diverseness: The apply of variation of pitch, volume, and pacing for dramatic effect.

    Vocalics: The written report of song aspects of communicating outside of voice communication content.

    Book: The loudness at which an utterance is spoken.


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