
How Many Climate Scientists Believe In Climate Change

Debate over climate change is nothing new. Scientists accept been arguing about whether greenhouse gases released past homo activity might change the climate since the late nineteenth century, when Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius first proposed that industrial emissions might cause global warming.1 Fueled by partisan bickering, this dispute now is more bellicose than ever.

Skeptics in the media (typically conservatives) deride global warming as a monumental hoax, while those who believe in the evidence for human-induced climatic change (typically liberals) accuse the skeptics of being industry-funded hacks. Meanwhile, efforts to impose cuts on greenhouse gas emissions are failing to get off the ground. Global leaders attending the United Nations Copenhagen Climate Briefing in December 2009 were unable to negotiate a bounden agreement on how to reduce these emissions.2 And despite President Obama'south entrada pledge to brand climate change a priority for his administration, bills aimed at transforming U.South. free energy policy are stuck in Congress.

But a closer wait reveals that what conservative bloggers, pundits, and politicians say about climate change isn't reflected by what even the more than skeptical scientists really believe. Indeed, scientist-skeptics no longer deny that global warming is really happening, co-ordinate to Stefan Rahmstorf, a professor at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Inquiry. Instead, they take shifted their attention to attribution—pregnant what's causing the warming to occur—and whether mandated cuts in greenhouse gases can ever reverse information technology or should fifty-fifty endeavor.

Popular Polarity

Claire Parkinson, a climatologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Space Flight Center, claims many scientists who don't buy into the "mainstream" position on climate change—crystallized by the United nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Alter (IPCC) and its view that greenhouse gases are importantly responsible for what information technology predicts could be a catastrophic warming of the planet3—are reluctant to vox their opinions. "It's gotten and then polarized that scientists who go against the mainstream worry they'll be treated poorly in the printing," she says. "People volition only say, 'Oh, they've been bought off by the oil industry,' but that's not always true."

Ideally, one would like to compare skeptical and mainstream views purely on the footing of scientific discipline, divorced from political credo or industry interference. Just that's not always easy, given that scientist-skeptics who practise take a public stand frequently have ties to manufacture and bourgeois ideology. For case, Patrick Michaels, a climatologist who writes skeptical books most global warming, is a visiting scientist at the George C. Marshall Institute, a nonprofit organization sustained in part past oil and gas companies. He also is a fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington, DC. South. Fred Vocalist, an atmospheric physicist whom many consider to be the godfather of climate change denial, also is linked to numerous bourgeois and industry organizations.

In 2009 the U.S. Senate Environs & Public Works Committee published a report4 list more than 7005 scientist-skeptics expressing a spectrum of dissenting views, many questioning the role of anthropogenic emissions in climatic change, although a few are quoted denying climatic change altogether. James Inhofe (R–OK), ranking minority fellow member of the committee that produced the written report, represents the extreme correct wing of his party and has received nearly a million dollars in donations from oil and coal companies since 2000.half-dozen

The list was compiled by Inhofe's staff without prior consent by the scientists themselves; Parkinson says some have requested to be taken off the list. Moreover, simply 15% of the scientists listed had published in the refereed literature on subjects related to climate science.7 Precisely how these individuals line upwardly with respect to their ain political views and funding isn't disclosed in the report and therefore can't be hands discerned.

In her new book Coming Climate Crisis?,8 Parkinson argues that manufacture funding and climate skepticism aren't necessarily related, nonetheless. Those critical of industry funding, she writes, "seem to exist challenge that the oil industry wants only 1 line of results and that the funded scientists are no longer objective." That's not always a fair accuse, Parkinson points out, especially since some mainstream scientists also take industry funding without comparable criticism. Nevertheless, Parkinson warns that all scientists "run a take a chance when they take individual or corporate funding, especially if the funder is perceived—rightly or wrongly—as seeking results in only one direction."

Degrees of Dissent

Parkinson, who says she has never taken money from the fossil fuel industry, says she respects skeptical viewpoints but leans more toward the mainstream view. Given her analysis of the information, she concludes the Earth has, in general, warmed since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and that greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly to blame. Near all scientists hold with at least the get-go of those conclusions, she says—even the skeptics.

Roger Pielke Sr., a meteorologist and senior research scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder—who is oftentimes associated with the skeptical side of the climate debate but prefers to be called a "climate realist"—agrees. Like Parkinson, Pielke identifies himself as a political independent who doesn't have funding from the fossil fuel manufacture. In his view, those who frame the climatic change fence as 1 that pits the IPCC confronting those who don't believe global warming is existent or that humans have anything to practice with it are incorrect on both counts. Global warming is happening, he says, and it tin can't be explained entirely past natural forces.

Fifty-fifty Michaels concurs. "Of grade there's a warming trend," he says. "All you take to do is connect the dots. And I tin bespeak you lot to five truly contained papers in globe-grade journals—not the crackpot stuff yous meet in unreferenced websites—that must lead you to conclude that slightly less than half of global warming is due to carbon dioxide."

Mainstream scientists put the blame for climatic change nigh entirely on greenhouse gases, but scientist-skeptics differ widely in terms of their alternative explanations. Some, such equally Tim Patterson, a paleoclimatologist at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, emphasize natural "forcings" on the climate, particularly solar cycles that affect how much radiations strikes the earth. Others cite human being-made influences including industrial emissions of black soot, which warms the air by absorbing sunlight. Still others propose that multiple factors—blackness soot, land utilise changes, and more—compound the effects of greenhouse gases on global and regional climate.

Yet acknowledging so many possible causes of climatic change leaves policymakers without any obvious solutions. And whereas mainstream scientists believe reducing greenhouse emissions is the key, skeptics aren't unified around any alternate strategy. Withal, at least 1—Pielke—supports a modest, politically adequate carbon taxation to fund alternative energy research.ix

Economic Implications

The scientific debates on climatic change have massive economic implications, which explains why a disagreement that would ordinarily be worked out in the peer-reviewed literature has created such a polarized social separate. Attempts to reverse climate alter could inflict enormous costs on industries that will fight to the decease for their survival.10

Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish writer and writer of The Skeptical Environmentalist,eleven argues that if imposed today, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 (one goal of the Obama administration) would cost trillions of dollars and inflict more than hurting than climatic change itself. Not surprisingly, governments won't agree to those costs, he says, which is why international meetings similar the Copenhagen conference neglect every time they're held.

"One of the definitions of insanity is doing the aforementioned thing again and over again and expecting a different upshot," Lomborg says. "At some betoken, you have to ask yourself if you demand a different approach."

Lomborg agrees with the IPCC'southward view that greenhouse gases account for nearly of the temperature increases of the final 100 years,iii but he rejects mandating emissions cuts now. Those cuts, he says, would have to be fabricated using green technologies that aren't yet toll-constructive. Moreover, $1 invested now would save only two¢ in future climate alter damage.12 Instead, Lomborg advocates for massive investments in green applied science—citing research by McGill University's Chris Dark-green,13 he says this could produce more than toll-effective emission reductions after, with $1 invested saving around $11 in future climate alter damage.

Snowball Result

Unfortunately, these nuances get lost in the extreme rhetoric on climate modify playing out in the mass media. Instead of engaging in cool-headed discussions, some mainstream sympathizers attack anyone who disagrees with the IPCC, while conservatives cherry-pick isolated events and statements to undermine the evidence for global warming.

That was plainly evident late final year, when scientists discovered the IPCC had erroneously stated that all 15,000 Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035, which is implausible under even the worst climate scenarios, co-ordinate to Jeffrey Kargel, the glaciologist at the University of Arizona who first noticed the error. That error was ultimately found to be a clerical mistake (the correct year was supposed to be 2350, Kargel says) appearing first in New Scientist magazine,fourteen then in a World Wildlife Fund brochure,15 and finally in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report,3 released in 2007.

The media response was naught short of extraordinary. Every major newspaper in the world reported the fault, which dealt a blow to the IPCC's reputation. Kargel says that's unfortunate. "This was a very embarrassing, grossly erroneous paragraph in an encyclopedic certificate," he wrote in a 22 January 2010 response to an article in The Economist.16 "The IPCC Fourth Assessment is 99.9% correct, equally far as science knows . . . and near all media reporting in the final week is not about that 99.9%; it'due south about the" Even so the incident also highlighted the fact that the Fourth Assessment had based this particular decision at least in part on "gray literature"—non-peer-reviewed or nonpublished sources.

The IPCC suffered nevertheless some other embarrassment when nearly 1,000 hacked e-mails originating from the Academy of East Anglia'due south Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in Norwich, UK, went viral on the Internet. The CRU is one of the IPCC's master suppliers of tendency data on global temperatures. Several exchanges between CRU director Phil Jones and other scientists suggested they were trying to cake dissenting show from the peer-reviewed literature. During the resulting furor, dubbed "Climategate," Jones stepped down temporarily from his position as CRU director only was reinstated in July 2010. Skeptical media have since voiced the view that but a few influential scientists control the IPCC and squelch dissenting views.

The Viewing Public: Caught in the Crossfire

These events may exist exacerbating declines in public confidence virtually the evidence for climate change. A 2010 poll by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies constitute that 57% of respondents answered aye to "Do you think that global warming is happening?" compared with 71% in 2008.17 Similar results were obtained in Bang-up Britain past Nicholas Pidgeon, a professor at Cardiff Academy. Pidgeon found the number of British respondents who answered yes to the question "Every bit far equally y'all know, do you personally think the world'south climate is changing, or not?" dropped from 91% in 2005 to 78% in 2010.18

Pidgeon blames the decline on a number of factors, including "issue fatigue" and a financial crisis that for many has become a bigger worry. "Only climate-skeptic agendas [within politics] are also becoming more prominent," he says. "You have a lot of groups and individuals engaging in long-standing attempts to highlight uncertainties in the science."

Considering scientists are faced with the unenviable task of informing policy decisions on climate change, Parkinson advises caution in how they communicate with the media. "Scientists might go flustered and say things they could have said better with a little more forethought," she says. "You hear exaggerations like 'once sea ice retreats, it tin can't come back,' which is cool. Of form ice tin come back. Or you might hear a scientist say 'all glaciers are retreating,' which is, of course, false—many are retreating, but some aren't. As soon every bit you make an 'all-or-none' statement like that, you open up yourself up to an attack from someone on the other side, and so you're trying to defend your credibility."

Those who frame the climatic change contend as one that pits the IPCC against those who don't believe global warming is existent or that humans have anything to do with it are incorrect on both counts, according to Roger Pielke Sr. Global warming is happening, he says, and information technology can't be explained entirely by natural forces.

The nuances of the climate modify discussion get lost in the farthermost rhetoric playing out in the mass media. Instead of engaging in cool-headed discussions, some mainstream sympathizers assail anyone who disagrees with the IPCC, while conservatives cherry-pick isolated events and statements to undermine the evidence for global warming.

The political debate over climate change may be exacerbating declines in public confidence in the scientific show. One U.S. poll found that 57% of respondents answered yes to "Exercise you think that global warming is happening?" in 2010 compared with 71% in 2008. A British poll constitute that only 78% of respondents answered yes to the question "As far as you know, do you lot personally think the world'due south climate is changing, or not?" compared with 91% in 2005.


  • 1 Uppenbrink J Science 272(5265):1122-1996doi:x.1126/science.272.5265.1122. Crossref, Google Scholar
  • two The Briefing of the Parties—Fifteenth Session. Decisions of the COP and the COP/CMP. United Nations Climate change Briefing Copenhagen, Denmark 7–19 Dec 2009Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. At the time of this writing delegates were preparing to attend the Sixteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to be held 29 Nov–10 December 2010 in Cancun, Mexico. Google Scholar
  • iii IPCC Climate Alter 2007: Synthesis Report Geneva, Switzerland Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change 2007. Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 4 U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee U.South. Senate Minority Report: More 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Fabricated Global Warming Claims Scientists Continue to Deflate "Consensus" in 2008 & 2009 Washington, DC U.South. Senate Environment and Public Works CommissionAvailable:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 5 The updated reports adds virtually about 50 names to the list of scientist-skeptics over an before version of the report published in 2008.
  • 6 Sourcewatch: James M. Inhofe [website] Madison, WI Heart for Media and Democracy (updated 18 Feb 2010)Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • vii Jordan Southward, O'Brien T The Credibility Project: An Assessment of the "U.S. Senate Minority Report: More than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Human being Made Global Warming Claims" Washington, DC Center For Research Office of Public Policy vii 2009. Bachelor:[accessed 27 October 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 8 Parkinson C Coming Climate Crisis? Consider the By, Beware the Big Fix Lanham, Md; Plymouth, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2010). Google Scholar
  • 9 This proposal is recommended and described in depth in Roger Pielke Jr.'s 2010 book. The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You Virtually Global Warming New York, NY Basic Books. Google Scholar
  • 10 Arguments that proposed regulations are likewise costly to justify and will crusade more damage than the pollution they are intended to control have been used to oppose action before, as in the U.S. car industry'southward opposition to the 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Human action. Those amendments mandated that within five years vehicle exhaust emissions from new cars be reduced past xc%. Senator Edmund Muskie, the primary sponsor of the amendments, famouly introduced them by maxim that the primary responsibility of the Congress in drafting the act was not "to be limited by what is or appears to be technologically or economically viable [but] to establish what the public interest requires to protect the health of persons," even if that means that "industries will exist asked to practise what seems to be impossible at the present fourth dimension" [Committee Written report Compiled for the Senate Commission on Public Works by the Library of Congress, Ser. No. 93-18, p. 227, 1974, 116 Cong Rec 32901–32902 (1970)].
  • 11 Lomborg B The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World Cambridge, UK Cambridge Academy Press (2001). Crossref, Google Scholar
  • 12 P93 in Tol, RSJLomborg B Carbon Dioxide Mitigation. Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparison Costs and Benefits Cambridge, Uk; New York, NY Cambridge University Press 2010. 74-105. Crossref, Google Scholar
  • thirteen Galiana I, Green C Nature 462(7273):570-5713 December 2009.doi:10.1038/462570a 19956241. Crossref, Medline, Google Scholar
  • 14 Pearce F New Scientist 2189:185 Jun (1999). Google Scholar
  • 15 WWF An Overview of Glaciers, Glacier Retreat, and Its Subsequent Impacts in the Nepal, India and People's republic of china Gland, Switzerland World Wild animals Fund 2005. Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 16 Kargel J Off-base of operations Camp: A Mistaken Claim almost Glaciers Raises Questions virtually the United nations's Climate Console. The Economist, Science and Technology section, online edition (21 Jan 2010). Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 17 Leiserowitz Aet al. Climate change in the American Mind: Americans' Global Warming Beliefs and Attitudes in January 2010. Yale Academy and George Mason University New Haven, CT Yale Project on Climate Change 2010. Available:[accessed 27 Oct 2010]. Google Scholar
  • 18 Spence Aet al. Public Perceptions of Climate change and Energy Futures in U.k.: Summary Findings of a Survey Conducted in January–March 2010. Technical Report (Understanding Risk Working Newspaper 10-01) Cardiff, United kingdom Schoolhouse of Psychology 2010. Available:[accessed 27 October 2010]. Google Scholar


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